7 Must-measure SaaS Marketing Metrics

7 Must-measure SaaS Marketing Metrics

According to data from ReportLinker, the SaaS industry is expected to reach $1.24 trillion by 2027, with a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 18% annually. To assess the effectiveness, performance, and impact of marketing strategies within the SaaS industry, companies use key performance indicators (KPIs) and measurable data points, also known as SaaS Marketing Metrics. These metrics provide valuable insights into various aspects of the marketing funnel, customer acquisition, retention, and overall campaign success, ultimately contributing to the growth and success of SaaS marketing efforts. Analyzing these metrics helps SaaS marketers make informed decisions, optimize campaigns, and align strategies with business goals, contributing to the overall success and growth of SaaS marketing efforts.

Marketing in the SaaS industry is like the heartbeat of your success story. Your marketing metrics are the pulse, the rhythm that keeps your business alive and thriving. Whether you are just launching your SaaS startup, ready to pen the first chapter of your journey, or an industry veteran looking to pen the next epic, these metrics are your ink. They write your success narrative, and knowing how to wield them is your superpower.

In this blog, we unravel the plot, chapter by chapter, of seven must-measure SaaS marketing metrics to understand your SaaS marketing attribution at a larger level that should be measured in your SaaS marketing budget. These metrics are not just numbers on a page; they are the building blocks of your SaaS tale, each page telling a new story of growth and potential.

Get ready to start a storytelling journey, where we explain the significance of these metrics and show you how to craft your unique narrative in the competitive world of SaaS. Whether you are a marketing professional, an up-and-coming SaaS novelist, or simply someone intrigued by the power of storytelling through data, this blog will arm you with the tools to script your success in this ever-evolving SaaS market.


What Is SaaS Marketing?

SaaS Marketing, or Software as a Service Marketing, is a specialized subset of digital marketing. It centers around the promotion and sale of software solutions delivered through the SaaS model, where software is accessible via the cloud on a subscription basis rather than through traditional installations. saas marketing strategy distinguishes itself by adopting a customer satisfaction approach, customer satisfaction aiming not only to acquire new customers but to retain them over the long term.

Key aspects of SaaS marketing to achieve peak performance in B2B SaaS marketing, you must have a thorough awareness of critical benchmarks and industry trends. Saas companies aspire to reach or exceed standards, which serve as important yardsticks for success. In this environment, SaaS firms negotiate a range of difficulties and possibilities, continually fine-tuning methods to meet b2b saas marketing benchmarks.

Educational content is pivotal within SaaS marketing, helping potential customers comprehend intricate software solutions. This content is disseminated through various mediums, including blog posts, webinars, and documentation, to simplify technical concepts and illustrate the advantages of the software. Beyond customer acquisition, Saas Marketing playbook places significant emphasis on customer retention and expansion, as retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones. The overall aim of SaaS marketing is to build lasting customer relationships and consistently deliver value to a tech-savvy audience in the dynamic landscape of software delivery.

Why Should You Measure The Saas Marketing KPIs?

Measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in SaaS marketing strategy b2b is not just an option; it's a necessity. Here are several compelling reasons why measuring saas marketing mix with its KPIs is essential:

  • Data-Driven Decision Making:

KPIs provide a data-driven basis for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing strategies. This allows you to make informed decisions, allocate resources more efficiently, and refine your campaigns for better results.

  • Goal Alignment:

KPIs help align marketing efforts with broader business goals. Whether it's increasing conversion rates, reducing churn, or boosting customer lifetime value, KPIs keep your marketing team focused on what matters most to make themselves as a winning SaaS marketing team.

  • Budget Optimization:

By tracking KPIs, you can allocate your marketing budget more effectively. You'll know which channels and strategies are delivering the best ROI, allowing you to invest in what works and cut back on what doesn't.

  • Customer Insights:

Monitoring KPIs can provide valuable insights into your customer's behavior and preferences. This information helps tailor your marketing strategies to meet your audience's evolving needs and expectations.

  • Competitive Advantage:

Knowing your KPIs gives you a competitive edge in the highly competitive SaaS landscape. It allows you to respond quickly to market changes and outperform competitors who may not be as data-savvy.

  • Performance Benchmarking:

KPIs provide benchmarks for your marketing team's performance. They allow you to set realistic targets, measure progress, and continuously strive for improvement.

  • Resource Allocation:

KPIs help in resource allocation, allowing you to prioritize marketing efforts where they will have the most significant impact. This ensures that time and resources are used efficiently.

In the world of SaaS marketing, where agility and adaptability are paramount, KPIs serve as the compass that guides your marketing ship. They help you navigate the complexities of the market, make strategic decisions, and ultimately steer your SaaS business toward long-term success.

7 Critical SaaS Marketing Metrics

Here are the seven marketing metrics for SaaS to help you know your business better and efficiently frame your strategies.


CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost)

How to Calculate:

CAC is calculated by dividing the total costs related to customer acquisition by the number of customers acquired in a specific period. The formula is as follows:

CAC = Total Acquisition Costs / Number of Customers Acquired

Total acquisition costs may include expenses from marketing campaigns, advertising, salaries of sales and marketing teams, and other overheads.

Why is it Important:

CAC is a pivotal metric as it helps you gauge the efficiency of your customer acquisition strategies. Understanding the cost associated with acquiring a single customer is essential for assessing the sustainability of your business model. A high CAC relative to your Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) can signify inefficiencies in your marketing and sales efforts. This can put your profitability and sustainability at risk. Monitoring CAC enables you to refine your marketing and sales approaches to make your customer acquisition more cost-effective, ensuring long-term success.

LTV (Lifetime Value)

How to Calculate:

LTV is calculated by estimating the total revenue a customer is expected to generate throughout their entire relationship with your SaaS business. The formula is as follows:

LTV = (Average Monthly Revenue Per User / Churn Rate)

The Churn Rate is the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions during a given period.

Why is it Important:

LTV provides a long-term perspective on the value of your customers. It estimates the revenue a customer is expected to generate throughout their entire relationship with your SaaS businesses, taking into account subscription renewals, upsells and cross-sells. Comparing LTV to CAC helps determine whether your acquisition costs are justified and sustainable. A robust LTV indicates that your customers are valuable assets, providing consistent revenue. It's an essential metric for making informed decisions about resource allocation and customer relationship management.



How to Calculate:

The CAC to LTV ratio is calculated by dividing the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) by the Customer Lifetime Value (LTV). The formula is as follows:


Why is it Important:

The CAC to LTV ratio offers a clear picture of the financial health of your SaaS business. A ratio of 1:1 or higher is typically seen as a sign of a strong and sustainable business model. If your CAC is significantly lower than your LTV, it suggests you are acquiring customers at a reasonable cost, leaving room for growth. Conversely, an unfavourable ratio may indicate that your customer acquisition costs are too high, potentially hindering the profitability and sustainability of your business. Monitoring this ratio is critical for ensuring the long-term viability of your SaaS venture.


MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue)

How to Calculate:

MRR is calculated by summing up the monthly recurring revenue generated from subscription-based customers. It can be calculated as follows:

MRR = (Number of Subscribers) x (Average Revenue Per User)

Why is it Important:

MRR is an invaluable metric for SaaS businesses, as it represents the predictable, recurring revenue generated monthly from subscription-based customers. It offers a stable stream of income and enables you to monitor your business's monthly performance. MRR helps you identify trends in customer retention and expansion. It provides essential insights into the health and sustainability of your SaaS business, especially for subscription-based models, helping you respond to changes in customer numbers and optimize your strategies for growth.

ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue)

How to Calculate:

ARR is calculated by multiplying the monthly recurring revenue (MRR) by 12 (the number of months in a year). The formula is as follows:

ARR = MRR x 12

Why is it Important:

ARR provides a holistic view of your business's annual revenue, encompassing monthly subscriptions and customer number changes. This is instrumental for financial planning and forecasting. ARR is a key metric for budgeting, setting goals, and ensuring a consistent cash flow throughout the year. It aids in long-term financial planning and offers a broader perspective on your business's annual financial performance, making it a fundamental tool for businesses that rely on annual subscriptions.

Churn Rate

How to Calculate:

The churn rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers lost during a specific period by the total number of customers at the beginning. The formula is as follows:

Churn Rate = (Customers Lost) / (Total Customers at the Beginning)

Why is it Important:

The churn rate is critical for understanding and managing saas marketing attrition. It measures the percentage of customers who cancel their subscriptions or cease using your SaaS product in a given period. A high churn rate can erode your customer base and revenue. Monitoring churn is crucial for identifying the reasons behind customer attrition, which could be related to poor customer support, outdated features, or competitive pressures. By recognizing and addressing these issues, you can improve customer satisfaction and retention, ultimately ensuring the stability and growth of your SaaS business.


LVR (Lead Velocity Rate)

How to Calculate:

The Lead Velocity Rate (LVR) represents the percentage of growth in your lead count on a monthly basis. While the calculation involves a somewhat elaborate equation, HubSpot provides a helpful visual guide on computing the LVR.

LVR is calculated by comparing the current month's new qualified leads to the previous month's. The formula is as follows:

LVR = ((Current Month's Leads - Last Month's Leads) / Last Month's Leads) x 100

Why is it Important:

LVR reflects the growth in qualified leads generated by your efforts in a saas marketing customer journey. A positive LVR is a strong indicator of future revenue growth. It suggests that your marketing strategies are effectively attracting potential customers who are interested in your SaaS product. Monitoring LVR enables you to refine your marketing tactics to maintain consistent lead growth, contributing to your SaaS business's long-term health and growth. Saffron Edge's SaaS growth marketing strategies help you in your brand's growth. By keeping an eye on LVR, you can adapt your strategies in real time and ensure that your customer acquisition pipeline remains strong and effective.

Additional Metrics That You Should Keep in Mind

Along with the above-given SaaS marketing metrics, we are mentioning some of the additional metrics that would be valuable for your SaaS business. So, you can pen it down for future reference:

CAC Payback

How to Calculate:

CAC Payback is calculated by dividing the Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) by the Monthly Gross Margin Per Customer. The formula is as follows:

CAC Payback = CAC / Monthly Gross Margin Per Customer

The Monthly Gross Margin Per Customer is the average revenue per user (ARPU) minus the variable costs.

Why is it Important:

CAC Payback represents the time it takes to recover the cost of acquiring a new customer through their monthly contribution to gross margin. A shorter CAC payback period is generally desirable, as it indicates a faster return on the investment in acquiring the customer. This metric is crucial for assessing the financial health of your SaaS business and helps you understand how quickly customer acquisition expenses can be recouped, contributing to sustainable growth.

Growth Margin %

How to Calculate:

Gross Margin % is calculated by subtracting the cost of goods sold (COGS) from total revenue and dividing it by total revenue. The formula is as follows:

Gross Margin % = [(Total Revenue - COGS) / Total Revenue] x 100

The Monthly Gross Margin Per Customer is the average revenue per user (ARPU) minus the variable costs.

Why is it Important:

Gross Margin % reveals the profitability of your SaaS business by measuring the percentage of revenue that remains after deducting the costs associated with delivering your product or service. A healthy gross margin % indicates that your SaaS company is efficiently generating profit. It's essential for evaluating your business's financial sustainability and can guide pricing strategies and cost management decisions.

NDR (Net Dollar Retention)

How to Calculate:

Net Dollar Retention is calculated by summing the Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) from existing customers at the end of a period and dividing it by the MRR at the beginning of that period. The formula is as follows:

Net Dollar Retention = (MRR at End of Period / MRR at Start of Period) x 100

Why is it Important:

Net Dollar Retention measures the ability of your SaaS business to retain and expand revenue from existing customers. A net dollar retention rate greater than 100% suggests that, on average, your existing customers are spending more with your SaaS product over time, compensating for any lost revenue from churned customers. High net dollar retention is a strong indicator of business health and growth, as it demonstrates the capacity to increase revenue without relying solely on acquiring new customers.

Rule of 40

How to Calculate:

The Rule of 40 combines two metrics, your Annual Revenue Growth Rate and your EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization) Margin. The formula is as follows:

Rule of 40 = Annual Revenue Growth Rate + EBITDA Margin

The Rule of 40 is typically considered successful when it equals or exceeds 40

Why is it Important:

The Rule of 40 is a valuable measure for assessing your SaaS business's overall health and growth prospects. It balances growth with profitability. An equal or greater value than 40 suggests that your business is experiencing substantial growth and managing costs effectively. Achieving or surpassing the Rule of 40 indicates that your SaaS company has the potential for sustainable and healthy growth, which is particularly significant in the competitive landscape of the SaaS industry with industry standards.

Summing Up

This digital world has always been up with some kind of new innovations and solutions for every existing problem. The SaaS industry also witnesses trends where innovation is the name of the game and competition runs high; knowing your way around is key. Think of SaaS marketing metrics as your trusty map, guiding your business through uncharted waters, helping you measure your progress, and making informed decisions along the journey.

As we have explored different aspects of the world of marketing metrics for SaaS, we have also discovered how crucial each one is in shaping the story of a thriving SaaS venture. From understanding the cost of acquiring customers with CAC to measuring the long-term value of your clients with LTV, these metrics give you a panoramic view of your SaaS business's well-being.

But remember, these metrics are not stagnant characters in your story; they evolve as your business, customers, and the market change. By continually measuring and analyzing these metrics, you are arming yourself with the tools to adapt, refine, and craft your SaaS success story.

In SaaS marketing, it's not just about collecting numbers; it's about transforming data into wisdom. These metrics are your trusted companions, advisors, and confidants, helping you script a compelling story of growth, sustainability, and prosperity.

And for those seeking expert guidance and support from a SaaS marketing agency on this exciting journey, turn to Saffron Edge. We offer comprehensive solutions for SaaS businesses, ensuring your path to success is well-guided. Our experts help your business gain new heights and shoot sharp at your business objectives. Your SaaS success story is ready to be written, and with these metrics by your side and Saffron Edge's expert assistance, you are well on your way to a tale of triumph in the dynamic world of Software as a Service. Get in touch with us for expert SaaS solutions.


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