10 Key Demand Generation Metrics for Your Funnel

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Jan 04, 2024
date icon 10 min read

Developing a solid demand generation plan needs rigorous monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure success. Maintaining a clear picture of the health of your sales funnel is critical for sustaining and increasing growth for a SaaS firm.

Aside from metrics like website traffic and social media followers, SaaS companies must prioritize actionable analytics that indicates the efficiency of marketing and sales efforts in converting interest into actual revenues. Key performance indicators such as lead conversion rates, customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and churn rate should be closely monitored.

Implementing demand-generation examples can further enhance the effectiveness of your strategy. These examples may include targeted email campaigns, content marketing initiatives, webinars, and personalized demos. 

What is Demand generation funnel?


A demand generation funnel is an illustration of a business's strategy for creating interest in its goods and services. It combines both of these viewpoints and is comparable to a sales or marketing funnel. A demand generation funnel, on the other hand, aims to produce a more gentle, natural consumer journey from awareness to purchase.

Establishing a demand generating funnel signifies a change in an organization's approach. While sales funnels concentrate on turning leads into clients, traditional marketing funnels generate leads. Demand generation aligns both of these funnels with a customer-centric approach that prioritizes consumer education over sales. It transforms advertising language into a truly beneficial resource and a frigid sales pitch into a cordial discussion.

Ready To Get Started ?

The following actions could be included in a demand generation funnel:

Raise consciousness: At this point, every visitor to your website is recorded. Currently, nameless or unknown visitors who have recently learned about your brand are your potential customers.

Pique curiosity: Site visitors show interest in your goods at this point, and they become recognized leads. This might occur if they join your mailing list or submit an inquiry form. 

Determine intent: At this point, customization is essential. You must ascertain the needs of your identified leads and address those particular wants. You will produce leads that are ideal for your sales team—marketing-qualified leads, or MQLs—if you are successful.

Seize the opportunity: The objective is to demonstrate that your product or service is the most effective way to address the customer's issue once your sales team receives the MQLs. At this point, free trials and offers for customized plans could be useful resources.

Gain clients: An MQL becomes a sales-qualified lead (SQL) if you were successful in meeting the customer's needs. They are now at last prepared to buy. The final phase is when leads become customers, at which point the focus changes from conversion to retention.


Demand generation strategies

The marketing team handles the top three levels of this funnel, while the sales team maintains the bottom two.

Creating Authority: Distribute white papers, unique research, and case studies to develop trust and position your brand as an authority. And make sure your SaaS landing page clearly communicates the value your product/service brings to potential customers. Highlight key features and benefits.

Creating High-Quality Content: Priorities useful content above sales-centric material, frequently accomplished through a comprehensive blog. Your SaaS pricing pages are transparent and informative, addressing potential customer questions and concerns.

Connecting with consumers: Create long-term connections by making them feel appreciated and understood.

Offering Free Tools and Resources: Create free tools or tutorials that give value to your audience without concealing important material behind paywalls.

Choosing the Right Platforms and Partners: For owned and sponsored media, carefully select platforms and partners to ensure alignment with your brand.

Lead Evaluation: Create a robust demand-generating funnel that provides marketing and sales teams with clear recommendations regarding qualifying prospects. Implement analytics in SaaS email marketing campaigns to track lead engagement and behavior, aiding lead evaluation.

Measurement of Demand Generation: Keep track of key performance indicators (KPIs) like:

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs): Identify leads likely to buy through marketing activities.

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs): Recognise leads the sales team believes are ready to buy.

Cost Per Lead (CPL): Calculate the cost of producing a lead to help with budgeting.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): Determine the expense of gaining a new client.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Estimate a customer's predicted expenditure over their lifetime.

Return on Investment (ROI): Determine the total cost-effectiveness of demand creation initiatives.

Close Rate Per Channel: Calculate the conversion rate for each marketing channel.

Marketing Cycle Length: Calculate how long it takes to convert a potential client.

Average Deal Size: Determine the average amount spent on each transaction.

Contribution to Total Revenue: Determine the revenue that may be attributed to certain campaigns or activities.

Ready To Get Started ?

How to measure Demand Generation strategy?

In any case, you’re likely already keeping an eye on some of these demand generation KPIs since some of them influence other aspects of your SaaS marketing plan, including SaaS competitive analysis. As per the Gartner report, on average, 42% of leads move from one stage to another in the inquiry-to-close process.

Ideally, though, you'll discover other metrics to consider here as well, enabling you to develop a more data-driven demand generation plan for your SaaS product. Here are 10 essential demand generation metrics every SaaS company should be tracking.

1. Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) are important indicators of prospect interest and possible receptivity to additional marketing efforts. These leads are generated when prospects meet certain requirements, such as viewing important website pages, exhibiting recognized buying behaviors, or interacting by signing up for content. Insights regarding top-of-funnel effectiveness arise from meticulously measuring the amount and quality of MQLs entering the funnel. 

Strong MQL values imply the successful nurturing of sales-ready prospects. In contrast, low MQL levels indicate the need for strategic changes to attract attention better. MQLs, in essence, serve as a dynamic measure of marketing efficacy, providing a succinct glimpse of how well the earliest stages of the funnel resonate with the target audience using SaaS keyword research and SaaS marketing metrics, driving optimizations for long-term lead generation and conversion success.

2. Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) indicate strong sales potential, going beyond initial curiosity to demonstrate preparedness for substantial sales interaction. These leads satisfy certain requirements, such as actively seeking product demos, registering for trials, or demonstrating a strong desire to engage with the sales process.

 The conversion rate of Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) to Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) is an important performance metric measuring marketing content's success and nurturing tactics in converting initial interest into concrete sales possibilities. Increased conversion percentages indicate a well-aligned system, showcasing your funnel's ability to guide prospects into decisive sales engagements efficiently. 

In summary, the leap from MQL to SQL is a watershed moment, demonstrating interest and a concrete commitment to investigate and commit. a nuanced view of the synergy between marketing efforts and the readiness of prospects to progress within the sales pipeline.


3. Cost Per Lead (CPL)

It is critical to assess the cost-effectiveness of lead generation, with Cost per Lead (CPL) acting as a key statistic. CPL provides insight into the average cost necessary for lead acquisition by dividing overall lead generation expenses by the number of acquired Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs). Continuous CPL monitoring across time and campaigns is critical in identifying the most efficient sources of qualified prospects, allowing for strategic concentration on high-performing channels.

 A stable or declining CPL indicates resource optimization, whereas a rise may indicate unnecessary expenditure on ineffective channels. Businesses may enhance their resource allocation by directing expenditures towards routes that generate the best returns, thereby improving the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of their lead generation operations by recognizing CPL patterns.

4. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

Understanding client Lifetime Value (CLV) reveals the future income return across the whole client relationship, in addition to the initial expenditure shown by Cost per Lead (CPL). CLV gives a comprehensive view of each lead's value by calculating the average revenue per account throughout the customer lifecycle. 

A high CLV justifies greater CPL spending by indicating a purposeful decision to recuperate expenses and achieve long-term advantages through consistent sales, upsells, and renewals. Businesses may make informed judgments by aligning CPL and CLV, ensuring that the expected long-term income potential justifies the initial acquisition expenses. 

CLV situates lead generation and conversion rates within a larger revenue framework, providing a strategic viewpoint for optimizing investments for long-term profitability and customer value.

5. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Cost per Acquisition (CPA) is a crucial indicator for firms that focus on acquisitions. It quantifies the amount of money required to turn Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) or Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) into paying customers. This measure functions as a crucial barometer, evaluating the prospective income concerning expenses made over various campaigns.

For businesses implementing a saas content marketing strategy, a low cost per acquisition (CPA) indicates that funds have been allocated effectively, converting interest into actual sales. On the other hand, a high or rising CPA is concerning since it suggests that there may be difficulties converting leads into paying clients. Businesses may get valuable insights into the efficacy of their conversion tactics by closely examining CPA patterns. 

This allows quick modifications to improve acquisition efficiency, maximize spending, and increase revenue. CPAs serve as a compass to help firms negotiate the tricky balance between investment and return in the dynamic landscape of customer acquisition.

6. Sales Cycle Length

Cost per Acquisition (CPA) and related cost measures are essential for campaign optimization; however, they could not adequately capture the subtleties of the longer sales cycles common in SaaS firms. It becomes necessary to track the average length of sales cycles since this provides important information about how long it takes to convert sales-qualified leads (SQLs) into purchases.

Identifying campaigns that produce SQLs with shorter sales cycles allows for the deliberate reinforcement of sources that accelerate the creation of income. On the other hand, lengthy sales cycles are warning signs that indicate difficulties in closing deals or developing prospects. SaaS organizations may better understand the dynamics at play and refine their lead transition tactics by concentrating on the temporal component of sales cycles. This approach eventually improves the flexibility and responsiveness of their acquisition endeavors.

7. Average Deal Size

A useful indicator that provides context for understanding novel company dynamics is the Average Deal Size, which shows the income generated by first-time purchases from new customers. Large transaction sizes indicate successful pricing tactics, attractive packaging, and focused solutions that meet the consumer's demands. 

Smaller transaction quantities, on the other hand, might indicate problems presenting thorough value propositions or matching goods with buyer criteria. Strategic emphasis may be guided by identifying high-value client categories and top-performing campaigns through a thorough analysis of average transaction sizes based on sources. 

Businesses may optimize their strategy and ensure that pricing, packaging, and targeting strategies work together to maximize income from new accounts, customer happiness, and ongoing growth by identifying patterns within transaction sizes.

8. Customer Churn Rate

Customer retention is as important as new company ventures when it comes to driving demand effectively. By revealing account losses over time, continuous monitoring of customer churn rates provides critical insights into the health of the firm. 

Low turnover rates encourage renewals and expansions by attesting to the consistent supply of value. On the other hand, a rise in churn indicates a mismatch with consumer demands, which raises questions regarding revenue drops in the absence of fresh business development as a buffer. 

Businesses examine turnover rates to see how well their methods are keeping customers happy and loyal. Retaining current clients strengthens income streams, shows the product's lasting worth, and bolsters the base for long-term success and expansion in a cutthroat market.

9. Contribution to Revenue Goals

A clear connection between marketing initiatives and overall revenue goals is essential for demonstrating the concrete economic benefits of demand creation. Precise tracking of overall revenue contribution by source (i.e., campaigns, channels, or segments), including those initiated by top SaaS marketing agencies, is crucial to this relationship and forms the basis for measuring how well marketing campaigns drive top-line performance to predetermined objectives. Contribution analysis identifies areas that need to be improved to fulfill growth targets and supports increasing spending in campaigns that generate significant income streams. 

Budget optimization is ensured by matching budget allocation with these income sources, which promotes a data-driven and strategic approach, considering Saas for small businesses. By establishing a connection between marketing initiatives and revenue results, companies may thoroughly comprehend the direct influence of demand creation on total financial success, fostering informed decision-making and sustained growth.

10. Content performance

Content performance is a critical aspect of any digital marketing strategy, encompassing the effectiveness of created content in achieving its intended goals. It involves assessing how well content resonates with the target audience, drives engagement, and contributes to overall business objectives. Key indicators of content performance include audience reach, user engagement metrics, conversion rates, and the impact on brand visibility. Regular analysis of content performance informs content optimization strategies and guides broader marketing initiatives. 

By incorporating a SaaS seo checklist into content performance analysis, businesses can gain insights into the effectiveness of their SEO strategies, identify areas for improvement, and enhance overall online visibility. This holistic approach considers audience engagement and conversion metrics and addresses the critical aspect of organic search visibility, ensuring that the content is well-positioned to attract and retain the right audience. Through a comprehensive evaluation that includes SEO benchmark considerations, businesses can refine their content creation approach, optimize for search engines, and drive better results across various marketing channels.

Ready To Get Started ?


The demand creation strategy of your SaaS firm may be guided by utilizing these 10 essential KPIs. These key performance indicators (KPIs) offer priceless, fact-based insights into the overall condition of your sales funnel. Your organization acquires the momentum required for fast growth by recognizing areas of success, highlighting areas that require work, and figuring out the best modifications.

These top demand creation KPIs stay away from discrete vanity measures and combine important components like interest, expenses, and income. A complete picture of the success of sales and marketing initiatives is provided by this integration. 

Consider these measurements not as isolated facts but rather as linked benchmarks that show the way to long-term profitability. By keeping a strong focus on these strategic benchmarks, your SaaS business can make wise decisions, encourage efficiency, and foster a dynamic synergy between marketing and sales teams.

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