Hire a VMO to Manage your Marketing Problems and Customer Expectations!

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Nov 11, 2020
date icon 10 min read

There are small, big problems that every organization has - could be related to competition, market, or even internal, and in most cases, marketing managers and CMO know what they are. The first thing that comes to their mind is the impact of this particular problem on our overall marketing strategy and will hamper our short-term progress.

While solving these problems is much more challenging than what we think, how an external person can help tackle them. A tough nut to crack, or an interesting one?

What do you do in such cases, especially when your attribution model pulls back your upper-funnel campaigns?

What would be your next step when you need to focus on long-term profitability instead of short-term revenue?

The answer is often dubious. Hard to swallow, but honestly, people go defensive as they aren't too sure of the solution. And then procrastination enters the picture when the problems are shifted to months, next quarter, or even a year - and much to the expectations, time, resources, and money comes in the picture. We continue our focus on short-term gains, however efficient they are, maybe to make them "more efficient!"

It is high time that marketers should start focusing their problems on "Big Problems" as sustainability is the prime element in marketing, and all the more due to the pandemic and shift in marketing trends for 2021. Nothing will magically transform your growth unless you're just beginning or expecting a disruption. Real change comes from rolling up your sleeves and facing those problems, making actionable plans and actions that look unconquerable. But, Where to start?

The following are different ways to venture out and effectively tackle problems:

  • First of all, reset your thinking and ponder over the root cause of the problem. Chances are there that it might not be as big as you are thinking.
  • Relax, look for the tiny bridges linked to the solution. Sooner, you will reach depth, learn more, and start to think of the necessary steps.
  • Note all the accessible ways to take action.
  • You just can't solve in one go, and it is completely fine. Develop strategies to discover the most effective way, out of all you have researched and formulated.
  • Start going through the similar industry campaign to figure out best practices. We all know that external and internal factors play a critical role in defining the brand's ROI . Start tracking performance with meaningful KPIs and thoughtfully evaluating the impact.
  • Once you figure out the various ways, campaign results, competition mapping, industry standards, and factors affecting your organization, you will get the crux of the marketing problem.
  • Believe us, even if you can't get through the solution straight away, you will figure out a lot just by scrutinizing one problem - you will know what medium didn't work, your right target group and buyer personas, your way of measuring campaigns, and above all, your future ways to address it.

At Saffron, we realized how VMO shapes your business like no other. With the power of an agency and a focus of a marketer, he/she works vigilantly and monitors every campaign, and this is the prime reason we introduced him/ her to you. Having years of expertise and experience of working on multiple brands, he/she brings an additional element to your existing marketing team or your marketing set-up, and that is tenacity. And yes, not to forget the cost-effectiveness and efficiency in driving plans and actions, keeping in mind your business goals and revenue.

We live in a business scenario where the customer and consumer expectations have touched the sky. Brands are leaving no stones unturned to fulfil them. According to Salesforce, 76% of consumers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations.

They even mentioned the following four expectations that are changing the game for companies:

  • Customers expect connected journeys: break down your business silos.
  • Customers expect personalization: customize everything.
  • Customers expect innovation: Keep pushing the limits.
  • Customers expect data protection: Make trust your priority.

How to manage your customer expectations?

So we all have the websites, right?

I want to know the new channel; I want to create disruption; I want to drive trendy marketing plans and actions; I want a growth-driven strategy - all these are common words we get to hear often but without a high-quality website, what’s the point? When driving and mapping digital success, your website is your most significant component, in all senses.

A workable website must be fast (speed), optimized for search, visually engaging, and backed with relevant content. These are simple non-negotiable if you want to transform your brand digitally, or even to reach the masses.

Once your website is aligned with all these pointers, you should start working on prioritizing your website goals. Depending on your resources and technical know-how you would even consider hiring an expert in conversion rate optimization, but what if we tell you that our VMO will help you with those services too. A VMO knows that if your site is letting you down, your marketing budget will not serve its purpose well.

What about your brand communication and messaging?

The visible part of any marketing activity is communication. Along with you, or as an Individual contributor, your VMO will help you to align your communications with your brand goals and bring them into line with your marketing campaigns. He/She makes sure your company speaks with a perceptible and recognizable voice across all mediums and platforms.

Some of the essential brand driver VMO can help you out with:

  • Creating your brand guidelines that define your story and USP.
  • Creating a communication road map
  • Making sure your communication tone is easy to understand.
  • Making sure the brand story is spread out across all digital assets, i.e., social, email, content, blogs, and videos.
  • Driving your Video communication plan.
  • Driving your Online Reputation Management

Compelling Stories need to be communicated, and all the more during the pandemic when people are more watchful.

Virtual Marketing Officer

Customer-focused, great, what about Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a research-based profile that depicts a target customer. Buyer personas describe who your ideal customers are, their behaviour, their attributes, their regular days, the challenges they face, and how they make decisions. It helps you create content and campaigns that are more focused and engaging.

Our VMOs' are inbound marketing experts and are an ideal choice to help you create to define your Buyer Persona.

The following are the questions you should consider before creating your Buyer Persona Profiles:

  • What causes buyers to invest in solutions like yours?
  • What are the various reasons for buyers to be content with your products?
  • What operational or individual results does your buyer persona expect to accomplish by acquiring your solution?
  • What bothers your buyer to believe that your solution/products or company is not their most suitable option?
  • Who and what affects/influences your buyer as they evaluate their possibilities and select one?
  • Which features of the competing products, services, solutions, or company does your buyer perceive as most significant, and what are their expectations for each?

The resulting buyer personas are unique and represent your most important customer types and segments. They form the basis for your communication planning, marketing strategy, and personalization of your content.

As a marketer, we will continue building brands, but to earn the trust of the customer and consumer are far more crucial than anything else, especially in the world we live in now.

We all have the power to focus on the things that matter. Sometimes we are surrounded by tonnes of marketing plans and actions that we miss out on a few elements and put our brand into an unwanted situation. Here, a VMO comes in the pictures as he/she will execute in the right direction, keeping in mind your customer expectations and attributes.

VMO offers you an entire marketing set-up or can work on short-term or individual projects. He/she helps you to find solutions to your problems, to draw the right outcomes from these results, and to propagate them across different mediums to provide the best in class user experience.

Reach out to us now to set a call to discuss your marketing and communication plan, digital transformation, or any particular projects. Our VMOs' will work on all these to drive your revenue and growth, aligned with your brand goals.

At Saffron Edge, we believe in doing the kind of marketing that performs for your business.

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