How to Optimize Your Walmart Marketplace Listing?

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Sabah Noor
date icon Jul 05, 2022
date icon 10 min read

The concept of Walmart SEO can be applied to any online marketplace, including Walmart!

Based on the phrase or search term a user provides, each major online marketplace uses its algorithm to determine which products should be displayed at the top and which ones should appear below them. Every seller seems to aim for the top rank, but only one will succeed.

Ever questioned why? The algorithm decides that listing, in particular, is appropriate enough to be placed there. Yet how? Because a huge company like Walmart, or any other platform for that matter, will never disclose how its algorithm works, it remains a mystery. If everyone had access to such information, there wouldn't be any competition because everyone would follow the same rules.

So what does "Algorithm" literally mean?

Any eCommerce platform's algorithm holds the secret to its success; hence it is always kept private. However, some vendors try to express their ideas on social media via videos or blogs when they optimize their listings and try out various tactics.

On the other side, a few professionals might also offer their advice. This is how the strategies spread:

  • More people devote additional time to writing about them.
  • Some people use them and produce videos to advertise them.
  • Sellers implement the proposals in light of that.

Nevertheless, before you publish your ad, Walmart formally provides you with a few key instructions. These make sense and shouldn't ever be disregarded because they have a big impact on organic rankings.

On that point, let's examine Walmart’s SEO strategy and discuss what you can do to improve the ranking of your product listings there.

What is Walmart's SEO Strategy?

The term SEO is used wherever an algorithm is present. In other words, you are making your listing more appealing to the algorithm. Your listing improves over time due to everything you do, including coming up with a catchy title, choosing a stunning image, and organizing the qualities into bullet points. These elements help Walmart's algorithm recognize your offer; if it thinks it's appropriate, it gives it a priority and places it in the coveted Buy Box.

Your optimization efforts were effective if you appeared at the top of the search results for the term you chose, provided you also included a few other selling points.

Advantages of Joining Walmart's Marketplace

Well-known eCommerce site The Walmart Marketplace is run and owned by Walmart. Walmart permits and provides its customers with millions of brands, goods, and options through partnerships with various Marketplace Sellers. The Walmart Marketplace enables independent sellers to offer their products on like you would on eBay or Amazon.

One of the simplest methods to make your products more well-known is to sell them on Walmart's online marketplace because they have such a large customer base. Alongside the other things on the platform, the products from the market are listed in's search results. Walmart periodically adds to its marketplace sellers, expanding the range of available goods. With the fresh prospects, this is a big boost for sellers.

Walmart Marketplace Perks

We have listed a few of the advantages Walmart offers vendors, including great client visibility and less rivalry.

  • Increase Brand Visibility: Walmart is a well-known company with millions of unique visitors each month. Being a Walmart Marketplace dealer allows you to benefit from the company's strong brand. You may immediately increase sales by adding products to Walmart Marketplace, putting your brand in front of more customers, and increasing brand visibility.
  • No Monthly Fees: Walmart Marketplace has a simple pricing structure with no setup costs and monthly or transaction fees for individual orders. You will be required to pay a referral fee for each successful order. This direct cost changes depending on the products and is typically 15%, relying on what you sell.You must pay monthly referral fees and varying closing costs on other eCommerce websites. This is done to keep your products prominently displayed on their website. The organizational structure of Walmart enables you to raise business profits.
  • Secure and Quick Transactions - Walmart safely processes every order transaction. Walmart Marketplace has a simple pricing structure with no setup costs and monthly or transaction fees for individual orders. Every order is processed free of charge, and payments are made every other week. Your referral fees are automatically deducted from your net income following a buyer's purchase of your goods.
  • Low Competition: Keep in mind that the community of sellers on Walmart Marketplace is hand-picked. You must sell premium products at fair prices and deliver exceptional customer service to be accepted. Your listings will be more visible because there is less competition, and you will sell alongside other seasoned merchants and first-party goods from Walmart.
  • No Inventory Restrictions: Products available as a limited special inventory can also be listed and managed by establishing a predetermined threshold. On their website, Walmart allows a huge variety of products. This indicates that their website will be able to display your entire inventory of eligible products.
  • TwoDay Delivery Service: Sellers know that quick shipping can make all the difference in sales since online customers have learned to expect it. The quicker you ship, the more you sell. With the Walmart Marketplace TwoDay delivery service, you can increase the visibility of your products in browse and search results, increase sales, and surprise customers with accelerated shipment alternatives. Customers of Walmart can get free TwoDay shipping without making a minimum purchase or joining a club. This tactic helps Walmart's Marketplace businesses increase conversions, exposure, and positive ratings.

To maximize the growth and success of your online store, you must take control of your Walmart Marketplace listing. However, you must first obtain Walmart's platform permission.

Optimizing Your Listing on the Walmart Marketplace

Due to many vendors on the platform, you must carefully optimize your live Walmart Marketplace listings to draw in the right customers.

For your brand's success on the site, Walmart Marketplace offers various services, such as their Listing Quality Dashboard. Using this tool, you can learn more about your listing to help you further optimize it by carrying out the following actions:

Here are some optimization suggestions for the Walmart Marketplace:

1. Use a Precise Product Name

Keep your product's name concise and authentic. Product names must be at least 50 characters long and no more than 75 characters. When crafting the name of your product, use this formula:

Brand + Size of Item (If required)+ Identifying Characteristics + Item Name, Style (If required), and Pack Count

Consider the following advice when you draught your product title:

  • Refrain from using special characters like +, @, #, etc.
  • Don't include any company information outside the product brand.
  • Add product attributes.
  • Stay away from retailer-specific information, such as advertising offers.
  • Avoid using marketing buzzwords like "best," "top-selling," or "inexpensive."
  • Avoid mentioning other marketplaces.

2. Utilize High-quality Photographs

Use clear, well-lit product photos. The best-case scenario would be to offer zoomable, high-resolution product images. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Make the front view of the item the main product image.
  • Make sure the background is white (RGB values 255, 255, and 255).
  • Crop the image to remove extra background space.
  • Include backdrop photographs showing the goods from various viewpoints.
  • Offer in-depth content, such as product reviews and interactive tours.
  • Avoid using offensive or obscene images as placeholders.

3. Highlight Important Product Characteristics

To draw customers, highlight particular product specifics. Pay special attention to the product shelf and short and long descriptions to increase searchability and product relevance.

A. Shelf Description: You can showcase the key benefits of your items in this section. When writing your product shelf descriptions, be sure to bear the following advice in mind to maximize your Walmart Marketplace listing:

  • List three to five of your product's biggest benefits in bullet points.
  • Avoid spelling and language errors.
  • Use unique product descriptions only.
  • Be sure to include keywords in your text.
  • Provide useful product information.
  • Eliminate unnecessary keywords.

B. Brief Description: You must use all 500–1,000 characters to maximize your Walmart Marketplace SEO strategy.

Here are some guidelines for generating concise product descriptions:

  • Maximize the number of characters per paragraph.
  • Write concise and accurate product descriptions.
  • Include keywords like the product name, brand, and style that shoppers are likely to use in their search queries.
  • Make your descriptions intriguing and full of keywords.
  • Avoid duplication and generic material.

C. Long Description: This is the largest section on the Walmart Marketplace site. Use the following advice to improve your Walmart Marketplace optimization strategy:

  • Ensure your lengthy descriptions contain 1,000–4,000 characters or 250–300 words.
  • List 10–30 features and advantages of the product.
  • Produce distinctive product descriptions.
  • Avoid plagiarizing descriptions from other websites and online shops.
  • To demonstrate your knowledge, incorporate facts and advice in your article.
  • Make the copy understandable by speaking in a conversational tone.

4. Select Pertinent Product Characteristics

On the left side of the Walmart Marketplace listing are the product attributes. These product informational elements classify your products and enable customers to view restricted or filtered results.

You can define your product qualities by selecting one of 24 product categories. Here are some pointers to help you choose the appropriate classification:

  • Complete the appropriate fields for your product's qualities.
  • To make your goods more visible, avoid choosing the category "Other."
  • Give complete product information to improve your position on the results page.

5. Provide competitive price

Pricing is essential to achieving the Buy Box. On a single page, Walmart displays all the vendor listings. These listings include each item from every vendor, with pricing changing.

Customers are now more prone to be enticed to things with low prices. The winners of the Buy Box are the sellers whose products customers add to their shopping carts. Your odds of getting a Buy Box must be increased by:

  • Provide affordable prices.
  • Keep supplies available.
  • Keep an eye on your rivals' pricing strategies.
  • Make shipping on Walmart free or keep the cost as low as possible.
  • Provide products to customers on schedule.
  • Request favorable testimonials from your consumers for your page.

6. Provide Prompt Client Support

Customers desire quick and secure service. Be sure to include Walmart's fast shipping symbol in your product listings to attract customers and increase brand loyalty. Additionally, keep your customer service line open at all times.

7. Maintain Favorable Consumer Feedback

In your Walmart Marketplace listing, reviews are essential. Streamline your Walmart SEO strategy by concentrating on offering unmatched customer service. To improve your chances of receiving favorable ratings on Walmart, use the following advice:

  • Respond to emails from customers within a day.
  • Continue to have good relations with your clients.
  • Make use of a reputable fulfillment company.
  • Offer up reliable tracking data.
  • Ship items on schedule or earlier than promised.
  • Improve your product listing and SEO on Walmart.

By implementing the proper Walmart Marketplace SEO strategy, you may increase your chances of showing up higher on pertinent product searches. Choose a digital marketing company that can meet all of your Walmart SEO marketing requirements.

Grow Your Business in the Walmart Marketplace!

Utilize Saffron Edge's optimization services for the Walmart Marketplace to improve and grow your online store. We have covered everything from account setup and branding to keyword optimization and analytics reporting.

Using our cutting-edge strategies, you may increase the traffic to slow-selling products on Walmart by optimizing your product pages with pertinent keywords, enticing titles, appealing descriptions, and improved aesthetics. We also work on backend search terms that will help you rank for all the associated terms that users search for so you can get the money you have always desired.

With the assistance of our SEO professionals, find out more about how to sell on Walmart and other eCommerce platforms. Join forces with us, and let's collaborate to increase the ROI for your company. Along with other eCommerce optimization services, we provide optimization for the Walmart Marketplace. Contact one of our digital marketing specialists right away!

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