The ABCs of PPC - 10 Things You Need to Know

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Vibhu Satpaul
date icon Jan 06, 2023
date icon 10 min read

PPC marketing, or Pay-Per-Click marketing, is a type under the digital advertising model where an advertiser pays a fee every time an ad is clicked. While it may sound like there is a lot of investment required for the campaign to take off but in reality, there is very little investment for a very big payout. For instance, you pay $4 for a click. If a click transforms into a $200 sale, the margin in between is quite hefty.

This article shall cover everything related to PPC and how, contrary to belief, it is one of the most cost-effective methods to market your business/product. So read on to debunk some myths.

The ABCs of PPC - 10 Things You Need To Know!

Pay-Per-Click is one of the best marketing techniques if you are a business looking for a result-oriented strategy to up your revenue numbers. Here is a list of 10 things that will brief you about the basic concepts involved in devising a PPC strategy.

Google and Paid Searches

Google has a great monopoly over the industry of paid marketing, and this is not news to anyone. People access google the most on their mobile phones owing to their inherent flexibility of use. It is important that ensure your ads are optimized for mobiles. Your PPC campaigns need to run smoothly on all devices so as to not miss out on any big opportunities.

Immediate Results

When it comes to digital marketing, results can be tricky to track. When we say tricky, we mean the popular practices of SEO and content marketing can take time before giving results. You can’t begin to gauge the results immediately as these campaigns take time to pan out.

This is not the case with PPC marketing. If a campaign is run properly and efficiently, you can see the number increase and leads increase. And if there are significant changes observed, you can always rework your strategy

Local Targeting

Location targeting can be an incredibly powerful way to make the most of your budget. It allows you to target people in a specific area, which means that they're more likely to be interested in your product or service and therefore click on the ads you're paying for.

It is a great way to save costs by lowering traffic acquisition costs (TACs), allowing you to spend more money on ads that convert more visitors into customers.

Keyword Bidding

The amount you pay per click is usually based on the competition for that keyword from other advertisers. If many advertisers are bidding on a particular keyword, then those who can afford it will pay more to have their ads appear at the top of Google's page. You may get a better deal on a less competitive keyword if it's less likely to be used by others. Still, usually, this isn't possible without investing some time and resources in order to identify new keywords and build out your PPC campaigns accordingly.

The best way to use Competition Data is through an automated tool like Adwords Keyword Planner or SEMrush Keyword Suggestions Tool (SEMrush also has some great features such as Rank Tracker). These tools allow you to see what keywords other businesses are bidding on in real-time so that you can make educated guesses about which ones might work well within your own niche market while minimizing exposure outside of your brand's sphere of influence.

Ad Conversion

The trick with Google Ads is that you have to pay for each click, whether or not it converts into a sale for your business. This means that you'll never get paid if someone lands on a page and then clicks away without buying anything.

To avoid this problem, use negative keywords in conjunction with broad match keywords—which are all variations of your target keyword—to prevent your ads from showing for certain keywords in search results pages (SERPs). For example, if you're selling dog collars online and want people searching for "dog collar" to see your ad but not those who are searching specifically for "collars," then create two different lists: one list containing only words related to dogs (such as "puppy") and another containing all other terms related to collars (such as “leather”). Then set both lists up so that they're turned off when targeting these specific queries!

The Role of Optimization

In order to get the best results from your PPC campaign, it must be set up and optimized correctly. This means that you need to plan ahead and start with a solid foundation before you begin running adverts.

When launching a new campaign, there are a few points that one should keep in their mind. Setting up keywords and ad groups takes precedence—you’ll want to choose keywords relevant to your business, then create ad groups based on those keywords so that all related ads get placed together in one spot.

You can also add negative keywords if they apply within those specific campaigns; this will help prevent irrelevant traffic from being sent through them later on down the line when someone searches for their desired product or service again but doesn't find what they're looking for initially because there weren't any ads placed near where people might have searched previously without knowing about it beforehand! 

Diverse Ad Campaigns for Different Devices

You should start testing across every device type you wish to target. Different devices react differently to ads, so it's important to start testing across every device type you wish to target.

For example, if you're advertising on a desktop computer, test the same ad copy and landing page as well as varying ad formats like video and image-based ads. Similarly, if you're advertising via mobile phone or tablet apps, test different landing pages with different prices and call-to-actions (CTAs) as well as how much time people spend on each page before converting into a sale or lead.

Effectiveness of an Ad Campaign

It’s crucial that your website is optimized before starting any PPC campaigns. This will ensure that you make the most of every visitor to your site, so it's well worth spending some time ensuring that all aspects of the design and functionality are up-to-date.

One of the main reasons why people don't convert on Google AdWords is because they don't have a good experience when they arrive at their destination page. Ensure that all relevant pages load quickly, especially if you're using images or videos in an ad campaign; these can significantly slow down page loads!

Another thing to keep in mind is security: if someone else has accessed your website before or if there are any malware issues on board, then this could affect how well other users interact with your brand online - especially those who may not be familiar with terms like "optimisation" or "hosting company".

Advantages of Remarketing

PPC networks like Google are there to provide a mechanism that helps in marketing products to website visitors who left without taking any action. By this, we mean the lack of actions like making a purchase from your website, subscribing to your newsletter, installing an app, etc.

Remarketing is the practice of essentially re-engaging past customers by displaying pertinent advertisements to them on any platform they may be using. For instance, if someone clicks on your Google ad using their phone can later see a remarketing ad when they are reading the most recent blog post from their preferred blogger.

Track Everything Diligently

Your PPC marketing approach will fail regardless of how much money you spend if you don't monitor your progress. Set up a conversion tracking system to make every dollar count. This will provide you with an understanding of how to adjust your advertising and determine your actual ROI.

Avoid launching campaigns solely on instinct. Utilize the wealth of data that PPC provides to inform your marketing choices.

In Conclusion

As you've probably gathered, PPC is an incredibly effective way to grow your business. It's also one of the most misunderstood parts of digital marketing. With so many tools and platforms to choose from, it can be hard to know where to start when setting up a campaign or optimizing it for maximum results. In this blog post, we've covered 10 things that every person should know before starting their first PPC campaign and if you are still in doubt, reach out to Saffron Edge, a leading digital marketing company to advise you for all your digital needs.

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