The Best Marketing Tips and Tricks You Need to Become an SEO Expert

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Sabah Noor
date icon Jan 17, 2024
date icon 10 min read

To become an SEO campaign expert is to understand the essence of SEO truly. What is SEO, and what is its importance? What does your audience want? How do search engines work, and how do you run an SEO campaign?

Furthermore, Tracking the KPIs throughout the growth cycle is crucial for understanding your business's position in the market. As you implement search engine optimization strategies for your website, your organic traffic will increase, leading to growth in revenue, positive reviews, customer base, and authority within your industry.

This blog post will discuss the best marketing tips and tricks to help you become an SEO campaign expert.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization optimizes any website to get more visitors and a better ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). The main objective of any SEO campaign expert is to enhance your website's visibility among your target audience naturally. Different search engines boast unique algorithms, regularly updated to favor websites featuring original, authentic, and valuable content. The aim is to increase visibility, drawing the attention of potential customers.

Top search engines like Google run bots to crawl websites, gathering information to determine their rankings meticulously. Consequently, when users search for products or services related to your offerings, your website's position is influenced by its search engine ranking. These algorithms consider factors such as:

  • Site structure
  • Content quality
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Strategic keyword usage

Implementing and adjusting these elements on your website can secure top rankings in search engine results.

Understanding the Importance of SEO 

SEO is the foundation pillar of your brand’s online visibility. Organic search is not just an important part of the buyer’s funnel but also works as a critical factor for your brand’s growth. 

Google has a significant part of the search engine market compared to other search engines like Yahoo, Baidu, DuckDuckGo, and Bing. According to recent research, Google owns a market share of 86.02% in 2020. Another research revealed that 60% of traffic from Google searches is directed to the first top three search results on the first SERP.

An SEO campaign enhances a brand's credibility and fosters trust among prospective customers, achieved through establishing the website's authority. Various factors contribute to building a website's authority, encompassing positive user behavior, a well-structured user interface and experience, high-quality backlinks, on-page optimization, compelling content, and other relevant elements. Achieving these metrics requires constructive effort and persistent dedication rather than expecting overnight success.

Additionally, implementing local search enables your business to optimize your digital presence in a specific geographic location. This makes it easier for potential customers in that area to find you, ultimately increasing your website traffic, engagement, and conversion rates. This exact geographic location can be narrowed down to a particular town, city, state, country, or continent. Without it, you will not appear when your audience searches for you, and you could lose a lot of business.

How to Become an SEO Expert?

Develop Content Habits: Delivering high-quality and engaging content is the heartbeat of SEO campaign success. Make it a habit to regularly update your website with fresh content that resonates with users and search engines. Try some user-friendly tools to identify and fix issues and consider learning from SEO courses or seeking advice from SEO professionals to refine your skills.

Practice Regularly: Becoming an SEO expert is not an overnight success story but about consistent practice. Keep your websites updated with the latest SEO practices to improve their rankings. Tools like Google Analytics can help you measure your site's performance and track essential metrics.

Track Analytics: Measuring analytics is essential to achieve the desired outcomes. Set measurable SEO goals, compare different traffic sources, identify high-performing content, and understand how search engines view your website. Analytics provides invaluable insights for improving your website's performance.

Stay Informed and Updated: Changes in search engines are inevitable, and staying ahead means keeping tabs on algorithm changes.

Regularly check for updates from various search engines, seek insights from reliable sources, and consider collaborating with experienced SEO experts to keep your strategies sharp and relevant.

Personalize Your SEO Approach: It is essential to understand that every brand is unique, and your SEO strategy should reflect that. Take the time to understand your brand, audience, and offerings. Create a personalized SEO strategy tailored to your business to ensure you stand out from the competition.

How to Run a Great SEO Campaign?

An SEO campaign is a well-structured plan for optimizing a business page or website ranking over Google. A perfect SEO campaign includes keyword research, SEO analysis, web audit, on-page optimization, link-building, and more. 

Whether big or small, any brand or business can utilize an SEO campaign to grow efficiently. With that being said, let’s discuss some pointers to run a successful SEO campaign:

1. Focus on long-tail keywords

The internet is like a collection of interconnected websites. Rather than targeting the whole digital marketing landscape, a more strategic approach involves establishing a solid foothold in a targeted niche. This entails directing attention towards pertinent long-tail keywords, typically phrases comprising three words or more and characterized by lower competition.

This method results in pre-qualifying website traffic. Visitors who arrive at your site through these keywords are more likely to engage in desired actions, such as making purchases or becoming leads. Long-tail keywords are distinguished by their specificity and give a heightened potential for conversion, amplifying the likelihood that your website visitors will convert into valuable customers. 

2. Optimize your keyword placement strategy

Crafting an effective SEO strategy extends beyond selecting relevant keywords, it encompasses their strategic placement throughout your content. The misconception that randomly putting keywords will yield positive rankings is flawed. Search engine algorithms, including Google's, examine the placement of keywords as a critical factor in their evaluation process.

To optimize your keyword placement strategy, focus on key areas, including:

  • The page title
  • URLs
  • Meta descriptions
  • Headings and sub-headings

By strategically positioning keywords in these elements, you facilitate clear comprehension of search engine algorithms during crawling. Simultaneously, this deliberate placement enhances visibility and relevance for human users navigating your site.

However, precision is highly required. Placing keywords in logical and contextually appropriate locations is vital to prevent keyword stuffing. Maintaining an optimal keyword density, typically 0.5% to 2.5% in any blog post, ensures a perfect blend of search engine optimization and high-quality content.

A meticulous approach to keyword placement aligns with algorithmic preferences and improves user experience, marking a strategic synergy between technical SEO considerations and content quality.

3. Selecting the right keywords

Once you have identified the characteristics of good keywords, the next step is narrowing down the right keywords for your business. There are two primary methods for this:

Organic Search of Primary Keywords:

Conducting an organic search involves exploring primary keywords related to your business. This method allows you to observe discussions within the community associated with these keywords, providing insights into the type of language and topics that resonate. This approach is highly effective but can be time-consuming and demanding.

Using a Keyword Generator like a Keyword Tool:

On the other hand, you can employ a keyword generator such as Keyword Tool. This tool provides data on the traffic and engagement levels associated with each search term, significantly streamlining the process. Note a keyword generator might not give the same depth of understanding about your industry and community as organic research.

Both methods have their merits, with organic research offering a deep understanding of community discussions and keyword generators providing efficiency in analyzing traffic and engagement metrics. Striking a balance between these approaches can contribute to a comprehensive and effective keyword selection process for your business.

4. Maintain the balance between high search volume and low competition

While high-search-volume keywords are attractive, they often come with stiff competition from established brands. Conversely, long-tail keywords offer lower competition but may not deliver the desired search volumes.

In between this are those with relatively high search volumes and low competition. Utilizing these opportunities is pivotal for a successful SEO campaign. Though they may be challenging, using appropriate SEO tools can simplify your search.

Imagine running a blog focused on running-related content. Attracting substantial traffic is key to monetizing effectively, especially when competing with industry giants like Nike or Adidas. In this case, targeting high-volume keywords with lower competition becomes imperative.

We will discuss an example using the search term "running shoes" with a Keyword Tool:



The results show that while "running shoes" have a significant search volume, the average competition is high, with major brands dominating the top keywords.


To address this issue, the strategy is to find keywords that balance high search volume and low competition. Using the Keyword Tool, apply a filter by entering "50" in the "max" field for Competition:


After filtering, 141 keywords with a competition level of 50 and below emerged. The average competition for these less competitive keywords is 23 (Low). Scrolling through, we can identify needed keywords.


Here, we find a keyword with a substantial search volume of 60,500 and a low competition level of 23. Additionally:

  • 1 keyword surpasses 10,000 average searches with moderate competition.
  • 2 keywords exceed 3,000 searches with an extremely low competition level below 5.
  • 7 keywords have at least 1,000 searches with very low competition.

With this list, you can craft articles and blogs targeting keywords with high search volumes and varying competition levels, catering to the needs of your SEO campaign. As an SEO campaign expert, these strategic insights can help you significantly enhance your content strategy.

5. Implement KPI Tracking

Monitor your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by comprehensively analyzing your SEO efforts. It is crucial to regularly assess the performance of each keyword using Google Analytics to identify necessary adjustments. Adjusting and optimizing your SEO campaign to ensure optimal investment returns is imperative if your KPIs fall below expectations.

For instance, if your keywords generate significant traffic but result in low conversions, the root cause may lie in the effectiveness of your call-to-action (CTA). In such cases, adjustments should be made based on the insights gleaned from statistical data. Regularly tracking and responding to these performance metrics will result in the overall success of your SEO strategy.


To be on top of SEO is a must if you want your business to stand out from the competition. It is not a one-night process; it requires patience and a great understanding of SEO fundamentals to work as a growth catalyst for your business. The primary responsibilities of an SEO expert include a deep knowledge of SEO, how it works, and what it takes to achieve traffic, visibility, and leads.

Managing all these elements simultaneously can be tricky and challenging. That is where the expertise of an SEO campaign expert comes in. Taking help from a search engine optimization company, like the professional team at Saffron Edge, can optimize your website and customize an SEO strategy to help you reach your goals effectively.

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