Online Brand Promotion in 2021: Top 9 Effective & Proven Methods For Success

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Sabah Noor
date icon Mar 22, 2021
date icon 10 min read

Uncertain events that take place in the world tend to disrupt the old and traditional ways of marketing that exist in the digital world. Due to this marketers have to go back to their vision board to re-evaluate and redesign their brand promotion strategy.

Redesigning brand promotion strategy

A pandemic like COVID-19 led to a complete transformation in consumer behavior that had a huge impact on online brand promotion strategies that existed in 2020, especially in the phase of global lockdown where almost the whole population was locked in inside their homes. Therefore, a large chunk of customers turned their hopes towards online eCommerce shopping.

On one side, businesses in 2020 were seen to come across several unexpected challenges due to the COVID outbreak like a drastic change in buying preferences of customers, loss in market share, and delivery restrictions. But on the brighter side, several businesses were found to tackle the situation as they were able to add value to the lives of their customers. According to a survey performed by Deloitte, 79% of the sample population recalled events wherein the brands took positive initiatives to enhance the lives of the customers during the outbreak. It’s 2021, the dependence of the audiences on online buying has increased manifold and therefore the importance of online brand promotion has aggressively increased. But Online brand promoting has changed significantly from the year 2020 to the year 2021.

We know that online promotion methods are a very crucial element in marketing and it’s as important as any other aspect of a business. There are multiple ways through which we can promote a brand, especially when we have a massive pool of audience that is hungry for more products and services over the internet.

Digital ad spending is increasing at a furious rate, especially in 2021. As per the estimations, an average person who scrolls and spends most of his/her time over the internet encounters 6,000 to 10,000 ads every day!

With the present technological advancements, you can now reach out to a huge portion of the audience and get instant attention using techniques like social media marketing.

But here’s the catch, COVID-19 has also affected the way a brand uses to narrate their product’s pitch. Now they need to have a different set of online promotion techniques. We have listed the top 9 trends that you must follow in 2021 to strengthen your brand promotion strategy.

1. Optimize Online Promotion Techniques With Google’s Latest Update

Did you know that 85% of the total revenue of Google comes from its ad platform? Google ads have seen immense growth in their popularity. Last year, in 2020, Google boasted 160 billion+ monthly searches!

Google ads have brought great opportunities for marketers and are one of the most effective online promotion methods for brands and businesses, Google’s Pay-per-click advertising allows you to gain quick exposure in the crowded digital world. For 2021, Google has announced several new updates that look very promising.

Artificial Intelligence & Google Ads

– Artificial intelligence (AI) within Google Ads are becoming more advanced and dynamic such that it’ll allow digital marketers to scoop out the maximum returns that’ll boost their ROI like never before. It’ll have more accuracy in targeting audiences and will drive customers with the highest purchase intent.AI-based automation mechanisms will allow marketers to predict conversions and Click-through rates that’ll enable marketers to create ad strategies that’ll have the best impact. Keep an eye on Google Smart Bidding which is developed by Google to help marketers in making automated bidding tactics so that they can fetch the maximum results.

Search Ads (RSAs)

– Responsive search ads (RSAs) are introduced by Google to dramatically reduce the manual efforts that a marketer had to make to create optimized CTAs, ad copies, and headers. Under RSAs, these ad elements will get optimized automatically on the basis of audience search. You just have to provide the content.

Google Video Ads

– After Google, YouTube holds the second position for the world’s second-largest search engine. In the USA, YouTube holds a market reach of 90 percent. YouTube has taken a huge leap in terms of engagement due to which it can fetch more ad impressions.With skippable, bumper, non-skippable, out-stream, Ad sequence ads, YouTube has also introduced Bumper machine ads which will show 6 bumper ads clubbed together in one go rather than showing 30 second long single ads. Google video ads will remain one of the highest converting ads when it comes to successful online brand promoting tactics.

2. Social Media Marketing Will Rule 2021

Social Media advertising has kept social media platforms alive because it provides them the kind of financial resources they need to operate smoothly. So what is a brand promotion on a social media platform? It’s the use of a particular social networking website that has a large user base that is used to target the ideal audience of a brand.

Online Brand Promotion in 2021

Social media marketing is great when it comes to igniting more brand visibility and brand awareness. Many people may simply skip the ads, but they get to know about your brand at least which boosts your brand awareness. Nowadays you have several platforms that are used for paid advertisements such as LinkedIn ads, Facebook ads, Twitter ads, Instagram ads, Snapchat ads, TikTok ads, and more.

Online audiences have become used to the idea of viewing ads on their feed. Paid social media ads can help you to drive tons of traffic to your website, you don’t believe it? At Saffron Edge, we helped our clients in boosting their website traffic instantly by 280% using our social media PPC Campaigns along with our SEO tactics. Our aggressive Social Media marketing helped our clients in boosting their brand’s online visibility which helped them in booking more clients for their repairing service business. Facebook lead ads are a great way to generate new leads from Facebook and convert them into your customers, it has made the process of Lead generation easier. The Cost Per Acquisition on Facebook was found to be much lesser than the CPCs of Google Ads. In 2021, the demand for Social Media Marketing Services will grow exponentially.

3. Ad Optimizations Based On Voice Search

Did you know almost 50% of online users are currently using voice search to find relevant products over the internet? Not just that, about 75% of voice search results rank in the top 3 results for a particular query. The spike in the use of voice search has encouraged companies to reconsider their digital marketing strategies in 2021 for online brand promotion.

Almost half of the online population in the USA will have a smart speaker like Alexa by 2022. Voice search-based eCommerce shopping has become a huge hit and it’s set to grow into a $40 Billion industry in 2022! It has become a part of our daily routines and that’s why we expect voice search to be a crucial factor in deciding strategies for successful online brand promotions.

The AI-based smart speakers act as voice assistants that enhance customer experience, so it’s no longer about keeping yourself aligned with the trend, it’s about providing trust and brand loyalty by offering a better customer experience. As per the ads, be ready to hear ad promotions from Siri and Alexa. What do we deduce from that?

To create ads with regards to voice technology, you have to make sure that you write the content of such ads in a conversational tone so start thinking like a user! 2021 is the year where ad optimization based on voice search will play a crucial role in spreading brand awareness and driving more sales.

4. It’s The Year Of Local SEO

Who doesn’t love to ace the top-ranking positions in Google SERPs? With growth-focused SEO strategies, one can achieve higher ROIs and massive organic website traffic. Implementing effective SEO strategies can help you to improve your organic reach as well as your brand’s online visibility.

If you can generate website blogs or content that adds some sort of value in the lives of your potential customers then you’ll notice the kind of power SEO has in attracting audiences organically. More clicks on your website will send messages to Google’s algorithm that your site has high-value information due to which it’ll rank your website high on its SERPs. Try getting premium backlinks from other online websites because that’ll allow you to improve your website rankings.

Organic SEO may require days of hard work and efforts to make your website grow but you have to dedicate your time for that so that in the end you can gain traffic organically for free! For such fruitful results, you have to develop a 360° plan.

Refer to our case study, wherein you’ll see how we implemented various tactics such as competitor analysis, publishing highly-relevant website content, writing blogs with high-converting keywords, testing, and optimization for our client whose business exists in Manhattan, New York. Our efforts led to a 42% average growth in targeted website traffic in a quarter.

5. Realize The Power Of Micro-influencers

A new form of online brand promotion that we get to see nowadays is promotions via micro-influencers or micro-celebrities. It is yet to expand completely in the advertising industry but it has managed to gain a huge amount of popularity in a short period. Influencers on YouTube, Instagram, etc who have a large follower base are utilized in influencer marketing strategies.

For eCommerce businesses, influencer outreach along with a marketing roadmap is implemented that allows the business to gain massive website exposure. You can double your conversions with Influencer marketing now! As per the study published by Sprout Social, we got to know that an online influencer, on average, charges $271/post to promote a brand. For influencers that have a follower base of 100,000 followers, the average charges were $763/post.

6. Indulge In Video Marketing

As we discussed how powerful YouTube has become like a search engine, we don’t have to mention the amount of reliance online audiences have on YouTube. This makes YouTube a great platform to advertise before your target audience. Apart from YouTube ads, YouTube itself is a very helpful medium to maintain high audience engagement, it also helps your website rank higher in Google SERPs because at the end of the day YouTube is a subsidiary of Google.

Take advantage of YouTube and create videos to educate your audiences, promote your brand, and maintain a connection with your customers. You must use YouTube videos in your blogs as well as in other website content. Brand promotions via YouTube are cost-effective as well because you don’t have to set up a whole film production set to promote your brand. Try live streaming on YouTube that will help you in introducing new products, spreading more knowledge about existing products, etc.

7. Establish Brand Partnerships

What is brand promotion? It’s the method through which you can reach an ideal audience and show them what different you can offer. How about finding an existing ideal audience that belongs to your ideal market? But how to do that? For that, you have to collaborate or build partnerships with a few businesses that are your competitors. Once you know your competitors, you know that they are the ones who are marketing to the same audience as yours. With brand partnerships, you can induce trust in their customers and convert many of them as your own. Such joint ventures will help you to get more brand recognition and therefore more sales.

8. Automate with AI

AI technology is almost everywhere and is being used in every product and service. The Harvard Business Review Predicted that AI will come even more pervasive. AI services are expected to furiously boost the global GDP by 2030, therefore businesses that are making the mistake of ignoring Artificial Intelligence will be at a huge loss because trends are changing drastically.

AI can evaluate absolute consumer behavior as well as user-search patterns on the internet, the data gathered can be then used to understand what are the current demands of customers. You must have noticed that various social media websites and other eCommerce businesses are using AI Chatbots and message bots that are based on human-language processing software.

Such AI tools can automate repetitive and boring tasks yet they can deliver humanized responses. AI can be seen in the communication industry, product recommending features, content curation, online payments, etc. It is a high time when businesses should finally realize the importance of AI because if not, they’ll be the ones who will have to compromise on business growth and high operational costs.

9. Promote Through Online Events

Start offering free online workshops, sessions, or webinars to your ideal prospects. This is a great way to gain the attention of your target audience. Another amazing benefit of holding online events is that you’ll be able to collect highly-qualified leads. Ask your online viewers to give their contact details such as name, number, and email address.

You can use this pool of information to send a follow-up message in the future. To organize successful online sessions you have to get the attention of your target audience, you can do this by running ads on social media platforms or other search engine platforms like Google, YouTube. Tell them that they can sign-up for free or withdraw whenever they wish to. Once you have viewers who have watched your webinar till the end you can easily convert them into your customers. Make sure you provide something valuable to them like knowledge, learning resources, etc.

Modern digital brand promotions can help your businesses in exploring tons of new opportunities. Try these techniques for promoting your products and achieve a higher return on investment, greater brand awareness, enhanced online presence, and more visibility. 2021 is the time to make consumer-centric digital ads to drive a highly targeted audience. Do you want to scale your business growth using the above-mentioned techniques? Talk to our experts today to know more about these trending techniques for brand promotions in 2021, and implement them to boost your business performance.

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