Make Your Website More Accessible With Disability Friendly UI-UX

Partner With Us To Make Your UI-UX Accessible To People With Disabilities To Boost Your Sales!

Saffron Edge offers an intuitive UI-UX accessibility service to help you build a website that can assist people with disabilities and who find it difficult to interact with the device fully. With our cutting-edge retail tech UI-UX accessibility service, you can give access to every one of the same information, which in turn expands your reach and revenue. We follow a tried and tested approach to provide unparalleled service. For many years, this strategy has helped us increase our clients' traffic while building a good reputation for them in the market.

Intuitive Strategies For Retail Tech UI-UX Accessibility

Build a Customer-focused Website With UX-UI strategies that support accessibility!

  • Design review

This is an early-stage review process for the product, and during this stage, we find out the accessibility obstacles. This is done before our team starts working on the codes.

  • User Research

Exploratory research is a requisite to our successful accessibility optimization as it helps in getting product development insights.

  • Usability testing

A stage full of evaluations to understand how the new changes can help people with disabilities, and we even spot the areas of improvement during this process.

  • Competitive analysis

Complete research and analysis to find out how the accessibility of your product or service compares with the one used by your competitors.

At Saffron, we know what it takes to provide retail tech UI-UX accessibility. We even take in the minor details and changes that can make your product or service more suitable for people with disabilities and everyone.

  • Accessibility is Usability

Usability is related to a design's efficiency in terms of its effectiveness, satisfaction level, and efficiency during usage. So it can be said that accessibility is a part of usability because if a product is not accessible to a user, it will also be unusable.

Why Should You Build A Disability-Friendly Website?

A More User-Friendly Website Drives More Opportunities For Growth!

The benefits made by optimizing a website for retail tech UI-UX accessibility aren't only limited to people with disabilities only, as it covers everyone who visits your website. For example, video with captions can help people with hearing disabilities, but it can even help people who will watch the video by lowering the volume to zero.

UX Accessibility Checklist

  • Content Structure

We help you optimize the content to make it fit for people with disabilities. Our team takes care of everything, from adding links saying 'Click Here and color specification for information to improving consistent navigation and proper use of headings.

  • Design and device

Making the design independent of any device lets the user operate functionally through different outputs. It is necessary to use sensory characteristics, provide other options for device motion and work on making pointer gestures.

  • Keyboard-only ability

Working on the design so that the user can navigate throughout the website by using the keyboard only. Defining shortcuts, using logical tab order, and giving options to skip sections for making the website keyboard friendly.

  • Media

We will assist you in working on the media to make it suitable for people with disabilities. For example, while working on the design, offering text options for every image. Also, using accessible audio or video elements for better access.

Designing for Accessibility Makes Sense On More Than A Legal Level; It Brings Benefits, Including These:

  • Improved SEO from semantic HTML

You can achieve semantic HTML by working on the accessibility, and thus it will help search engines to determine the significance and context of your web content. In the end, you can improve the overall SEO.

  • Give new opportunities to reach more users on more devices

Do not miss the 15% of the global population which avoids a product or service because it has not been optimized for accessibility. This means you will reach a wider audience base and even an untapped market.

  • Enhanced public image for your brand

By optimizing the product or service for retail tech UI-UX accessibility, you can build a positive image in the market since it shows that you care for people with disabilities.


What is UI accessibility?

Working on UI accessibility means streamlining the usability of a product so that everyone can use it without any obstacles, even people with disabilities.

How do I make UX more accessible?

  • By keeping tabs on people using assistive technologies
  • Using an inclusive user testing
  • Using users with different abilities during testing
  • Following the UI accessibility checklist
  • Taking help of an audit service to find out how accessible is your design

Is accessibility part of UX design?

Yes, it is a vital part of the entire UX design.

Why is accessibility important for UX?

Because it allows you to reach a wider audience base, improve SEO and build a positive image in the market.

What is an example of accessibility?

Use captions for videos so that even people with hearing disabilities can get the information through the video.

How many types of accessibility are there?

There are usually four categories of retail tech UI-UX accessibility.

  • Perceivable
  • Operable
  • Understandable
  • Robust

What is UX design?

UX (User Experience) design is a design process with the only objective of providing soul satiating experience to the user.

How do I create an accessible UI?

There are usually four categories of retail tech UI-UX accessibility.

  • Offering proper contrast between foreground and background
  • Not relying on colors only to convey any kind of information
  • Easy identification of interactive elements
  • Seamless and clear navigation option

What our customers say about us

“Saffron Edge increased our website visitors and rental inquiries; they are fast, efficient, and committed partners. Collaborating with their team felt like having a close ally. ”

Sebrina Curet

Sebrina Curet

Real estate company

“Highly skilled in SEO, their team has exceeded my expectations every time. Saffron Edge is a skilled SEO partner, and I highly recommend their services.”

 Nina Seifeddine

Nina Seifeddine

Owner at Digital Marketing Agency

“Saffron Edge's marketing strategies led to a 13% increase in leads and a 9.6% boost in sales. We proudly recommend Saffron Edge; working with them was genuinely pleasing. ”

Jessica Taylor

Jessica Taylor

Accounting Software

“We are extremely happy with the services provided by Saffron Edge. They improved our online visibility through SEO and social media strategies. They truly feel like an extension of our in-house team. ”

Frank Demming

Frank Demming

Family law firm

“Working with Saffron has been a great experience for LTD Media. Their services have helped us generate more traffic to our website, reducing time-to-results by publishing more user-friendly content. ”

Ian Shiell

Ian Shiell

Digital marketing company

“We have been working with Saffron Edge for some time now and couldn’t be happier with the results. They have been a true partner, always available for support and helping us achieve our goals. ”

Sotera L. Anderson

Sotera L. Anderson

CA Lemon Law

“I have a great business relationship with Saffron Edge. I highly recommend Saffron Edge for their deep understanding of our brand and effective SEO strategies. ”

Michael Greenfield

Michael Greenfield


“I've seen impressive SEO results from Saffron; they were organized, systematic, and consistently delivered on time. The team was always available to support us at any time. ”



Fishing enterprise

“I had a great experience working with this team. They were proactive in their approach, and responded promptly to all my queries. I would definitely work with them again. ”

Jay Stack

Jay Stack

Manufacturing company

“Saffron's SEO services 2X'd our monthly sales from $100K to $200K, with plans to reach $300K next. It has been fantastic working with the team and working towards crossing our targets. ”

John Stewart

John Stewart

Stone Machinery and Equipment Ecommerce

“Saffron Edge helped us recover from a Google penalty, restoring our performance and boosting revenue within 45 days. We are now back on track, and our revenue is exceeding expectations. ”

James Simmons

James Simmons

Ecommerce brand (Name under NDA)

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